We've all heard the ads about how you can turn a $100,000 IRS debt into a $1,000 agreement. Now if you want the truth and a viable game plan...

...we can help you sort through the fact and the fiction around an Offer in Compromise (OIC). It's never a simple or easy process, and unless you have the right game plan and facts - you can end up destroying your chances for an agreement with the IRS.

If your tax obligation creates an undue financial hardship, the IRS will consider accepting a lowered amount. There are many pieces of information and facts that must be assembled, in order to assert this offer (successfully) to the IRS. Before any offer is considered, you must have filed all required tax returns.

For help navigating the tricky landscape, uncovering all the important facts, and getting the required paperwork done completely and with the best chance of gaining a compromise from the IRS, contact us for thorough, professional help!

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